The Silent Strength of Liu Xia
2013年04月08日 ⇒ 05月10日 特例社団法人日本外国特派員協会(東京)
2013年05月24日 ⇒ 06月16日 FOIL GALLERY(京都)
(a) 中国当局の脅威からの保護: 中国当局は劉霞がメディアに露出したり広く人々に知られることに対して敏感であり、その限りにおいて保護を講じることができます。
(b) 激励: 劉霞のために人々が尽くしている努力を知ること、そして、作品に対する人々の反応に触れることは、彼女にとっての励みになるものです。
(c) さらなる援助: 民主主義における市民権のありかたの雄弁なモデルとして、劉霞と劉曉波はより多くの援助を必要としています。
(d) 芸術家としての認知: 劉霞が監禁下から解放され公に創作活動を再開することができたとき、彼女の作品は、これまで制作されたものも新たに制作されるものも、より多くの人々へと届けられることになるでしょう。
The Silent Strength of Liu Xia Photographs
Liu Xia is a painter, photographer, poet and dissident. She is a great artist that has never been allowed to exhibit in China, her home country. “The Silent Strength of Liu Xia” comprises 26 photographs by Liu Xia, made into an exhibit under the direction of Guy Sorman, after getting the photos out of China before Liu Xia was put under house arrest in 2011. Her husband, Liu Xiaobo, world renowned Chinese dissident, has been in prison since 2009 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.
The purpose of this exhibit is to expose Liu Xia’s photographic works to a broad, international audience. This is based on the assumption that such attention will provide Liu Xia with :
(a) Protection from the Chinese authorities, to the degree that they are sensitive to her increased visibility in the press and to the general public.
(b) Encouragement, to the extent that she is able to learn about efforts made on her behalf and/or hear about any public response to her work.
(c) Increased support for herself and for her husband, Liu Xiaobo, as strong examples of democratic citizenship.
(d) A larger audience for her present and future work as an artist whenever she may be released from confinement and allowed to resume her creative activities in public.
This exhibit began in Boulogne, France in October 2011 and has been traveling the world ever since to such cities as New York, Richmond, London, Berlin, Madrid, Barcelona, Warsaw, Hong Kong and Taipei. It is a great pleasure to welcome the Japan edition, at the FCCJ in Tokyo and at FOIL Gallery in Kyoto.
The catalogue of the exhibit is Japanese/English bilingual and on sale at the front desk for JPY 1,300.